Dan Blackwelder

Harvey Kravis

Needlepoint Dads is a partnership between Dan Blackwelder and Harvey Kravis. It was created to celebrate Dan’s unique needlepoint creations. We admired each other’s work after we both started posting in Needlepoint Nation (NN), the wildly popular Facebook group. The response to Dan’s posts was incredible. There were many “likes”, comments, and requests to make charts of his work available. That was the catalyst for making this happen.

Dan has been creating fascinating designs for decades, and he did them all freehand on blank canvases. Most are somewhat square and make great pillows, but they can certainly be framed. Some of his early work used DMC Tapestry wool on 10 mesh, but he has since switched to DMC Pearl Cotton Size 3 on 12 or 13 mesh. His African-style pieces and all new designs are done with Pearl Cotton. Charts of Dan’s designs were created by Harvey using StitchCraft software.

To hear more about our story you can hear us on the Fiber Talk podcast hosted by Gary Parr.